Add to Speciality List or make it Practice definable.
Stephen Niwa
Not all specialties that are run at the SWell Centre are listed. Can you please add the following to the list:
* ADHD Coaching
* Reiki
* Yoga
* Spiritual Direction
If Clients through the client portal try to find a modality and it's not there then they have to guess what category it might be under.
It would make sense for the Practice to be able to also select Specialities that are being offered by the Practice and to ADD new specialties to the list.
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Lachlan Cox
Merged in a post:
Adding Additional Specialty Type
Georgia Horton
It would be great to have 'Women's Health Physiotherapy' added as a specialty type
Lachlan Cox
Merged in a post:
Specialty Type
James Wheller
Music Therapy needs to be added to specialties (AMTA accredited, AHPA and NASRHP affiliated)
Lachlan Cox
Merged in a post:
Specialty Type
Michelle Gibb
It would be great if Nurse Practitioner and Wound Management could be added to the Specialty fields.
Lachlan Cox
Merged in a post:
Add specialty to dropdown menu
Debra Carnes
none of the dropdown menus fit what I do (health and wellness coaching) so either give me the ability to add my own 'specialty' or list 'other' in the dropdown menu (I can't make the portal live unless a specialty is mapped)
Really annoying!
Lachlan Cox
Merged in a post:
Addin a feild ot put in other professions and specialties.
Tracey Yeoman
Hi I am a life coach and Personal trainer and soon to be qualified Counsellor. I am liking the product but think a way to put other specialties in woudl be great ... Ie meditation facilitator, minfulness coach or in my casre personal trainer and professional coach.
James Wheller
same - music therapist here. I understand they probably want to limit to 'recognised specialties' - but where they get that list from is beyond me...
Tracey Yeoman
I also have the same issue and have put sugestion in for a fewild we can fill out
Stephen Niwa
Yes I'm still waiting for you to add more allied health modalities like eg. Kinesiology, Psychosomatic Therapy, Feldenkris, and so forth.
Matthew O'Carroll
Stephen Niwa
Hi Steven,Thanks for the response. Much appreciated. Will wait patiently for the future updates.Kind Regards,Stephen Niwa
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