Adding practitioner names at the top on "week view" diary
in progress
Adding practitioner names at the top on "week view" diary, this feature would make viewing week view appointments more clearer. it's too confusing not seeing the names at the top unless you know the order in which your practitioners run in via day view. This should be a standard feature..
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Patricia Fugimoto
Merged in a post:
Week view practitioner appointment times
Ignacio Ferrer Amat
On the week view setting it would be great if the practitioners appointment times showed up for their available appointment/hours as currently it only shows up the bookings on their shedule but do not know what time their day is opened and closed
Patricia Fugimoto
Merged in a post:
Availability schedule in week view
Jay Chinnery
The availability of a practitioner only shows in day view, it would be helpful to see this in week view as well.
Keith Johnson
I would welcome the opportunity to participate and provide my comments
Andreas Papastergiadis
in progress
Hi everyone,
We've been working on a way to display practitioner names on the week view. We'd love to get some feedback before it's released to the wider coreplus community.
If you'd like to be a part of this new feature and have the opportunity to have your say in how the future of coreplus looks, reply to this comment, and I'll send through some details.
Andreas Papastergiadis
Merged in a post:
Being able to see each therapists name in the week view
For scheduling purposes and being able to see the 'big picture' it would be helpful when in week mode to be able to have separate columns for each provider as in the day view. Currently having to make several different appointment types just so things can be colour coded differently is time consuming.
Steven Whittington
Thanks Tammi, we'll certainly consider implementing this suggestion.