Finding existing clients through mobile
Mark Killey
Finding exiting clients through their mobile phone number would be a handy backup when name doesn't come up when they leave a message and you can't hear them properly
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Lachlan Cox
John Fouyaxis
Thanks for the quick response and feedback. Appreciate the clarification.
We'll categorize this Idea under Dashboard search rather than Client List moving forward and prioritise accordingly.
Lachlan Cox
Hi there Mark,
Thanks very much for your idea.
You should be able to search for a client using their mobile number in the Filters area of the client list.
Please let me know if you have any additional questions or were envisioning a different area to utilise searching by mobile number.
Thank you.
John Fouyaxis
Lachlan Cox: No. This seems like yet another inefficient work-around.
I don't see "Mobile Number" as an obvious Filter option there.
I appreciate that it gets the job done... but... it's about 6 more clicks to do that !!!!!
The "Search" field bar in the side menu should have this capability to hit clients by Mobile Number.
Using the FILTERS in the Client list is not the go-to place for a rapid client search for a practitioner or admin (it might be for an engineer/software developer !)
I note that the "Search" field in the side menu already does look-up via CRN and EXTERNAL ID (but I doubt anyone uses those searches ever)... why not via Mobile Number which seems like a lot more of an intuitive type of client search?
I would certainly use it.