Full Tyro Integration with Medicare Easyclaim
Pearce Hutchinson
We currently use Medicare Easyclaim through a HICAPS machine as this makes medicare rebates immediately to clients. Coreplus online Medicare claiming takes 24-72 hours to rebate the amount for clients and often has errors. Full Tyro integration with Medicare Easyclaim would be of huge benefit and a massive time saver. A number of our clients often cannot wait for days for rebates to occur. We love our Tyro machine for everything else, but not having this feature is a huge drawback. Several other practice softwares are already offering this integration (such as Best Practice).
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Tabitha Phelps
Hello all. Has there been any progress on this request to enable clients to pay on TYRO, then enter their Medicare details/swipe Medicare card, and then swipe their cheque or savings account card for the rebate? It would be ideal to avoid having to use both HICAPS and TYRO systems.
Tabitha Phelps
Wanted to post again on this board to see if there had been any updates on this. I am hoping that easyclaim will be enabled by Coreplus for Tyro terminals, otherwise we may need to use both Tyro and HICAPS, which is not ideal.
Tabitha Phelps
We would love to see TYRO be able to provide Medicare Easyclaim with Coreplus. When we got the terminals on trial, I made multiple calls to Coreplus and TYRO to set up this feature, only to find out that it is not available.
I received the following response from a TYRO employee familiar with Medicare claiming - " I checked our system: Medicare claiming on both terminals is enabled, however, upon further investigation, Core Plus (your practice management software)
does not integrate with Medicare claiming. What this means is that Medicare claiming is turned on from our end (which explains why both terminals had an activated status when I checked earlier) but because Core Plus doesn’t pair with Medicare, rebates can’t and won’t go through. It’s a Core Plus limitation, unfortunately. Due to such, the listed practitioners won’t be able to be added for Medicare rebating purposes."
I found this really disappointing as it means that if we want to keep TYRO then we would need to keep HICAPS as well as not all of our clients have their bank account listed on their Medicare file and would not receive a rebate if I put through the claim online.
Can we please have this feature added?
Liz @ Admin
Matthew O'Carroll
Steven Whittington
Hi Jo, thanks for feedback, we certainly do not want you feeling like you want to change practice management software!A couple of things to consider before you start jumping ships, my that does sound dangerous, first up the coreplus Medicare integration and the TYRO Medicare integration are the same thing. The difference in the processing time is due to the transfer of the funds between Medicare and your clients Bank. Now, because TYRO is a BANK, yep they are, they can transfer the funds as soon as they see the confirmation from Medicare to your client. Well, how can they afford to do that... it's simple they charge you Terminal Fees, Merchant Fees and Transaction fees and enough so that they can make a tidy profit and tuck about 95 million under their mattress last year. But enough about that, the issue you are passionate about and one that TYRO (the Bank) is using to win a lot of new business with at the moment is real-time payments, with close to immediate funds availability to the recipient. This is not exclusive to TYRO, it will become the norm in the near future. Because TYRO only recently became a Bank about the same time as the Launch of the New Payments Platform (NPP) (click for the RBA press release) they have been one of the first to offer this service as they did not have to change their software like the traditional banks have. So it's likely that over the next 12 mths or so all the Banks in Australia will be able to use the NPP to process close to immediate funds availability to the recipient. And that's about roughly the same time to recover from the disruption to a practice from changing practice management software. In the mean time we are working with TYRO and other vendors to offer payment solutions with and without Terminals in addition to the coreplus Medicare/DVA integration that has NO Merchant, Terminal or Transaction Fees.
You are welcome Steven. I am desperately in need of the Medicare EasyClaim integration, so much so, that I am considering other PMS systems. I really don't want to change over my entire practice but I really need to be able to charge a gap fee without clients having to have $155 in their accounts to cover the fee for 24 hours until their rebate comes in. Many of my clients simply do not have that amount of money available. Unfortunately, it's looking like I'm going to have to jump ship :(
Steven Whittington
Hi Jo, thanks for your comments and vote for this idea much appreciated.
Hi there,
I second the original posters comments regarding the convenience and usefulness of an Easy Claim integration through the Tyro terminal. Rebates are virtually instant for the client, they do not take 24 hours as with Medicare Online claiming. This makes a real and significant difference for clients. Many clients cannot afford to wait 24 plus hours for their rebate to reach their bank account. I also would like to be able to charge a gap payment which is not currently allowed via the Medicare Online system but is available through the Easy Claim system. This is a huge advantage for most practices, including mine. I have actually been waiting for Medicare Easy Claim to become available through Coreplus for some time. Please do look into providing this as it does provide some advantages over Medicare Online.
Jody Richter
Hi Management, I require Tyro or Hicaps to have Medicare Easy Claim so that I can grow my business to include a gap patient payment. The process requires integration with coreplus so that we do not need to enter the referrer, the date of referral etc etc each time we process a medicare card,. When it is integrated all the usual EPC care plan info will automatically be read by the hicaps or tyro machines. Business is very rapidly not being able to sustain a Bulk Bill service. Making this a high priority would be very user friendly and business friendly.
Steven Whittington
Hi Pearce,Thanks for the additional information. For clarity when using the coreplus Medcare/DVA integration the payment to the patient are processed in exactly the same time-frames as with TYRO whether it is a patient claim, bulk billed or part part payment. With the coreplus feature you also do not pay the usual TYRO fees for sales and monthly merchant fees for these transactions.Best Practice AH (the re-branded mypractice software) would actually work out to be more expensive than your chosen coreplus subscription by more than $400 per year on their cheapest comparable option and depending on the installed version considerably more with IT and other supporting software costs. At the time that TYRO entered the market they were the only WiFi enabled terminal provider which was suitable for integration with cloud PMS, however the additional development cost required to enable a feature that increased the expense for a user to submit Medicare/DVA claims via TYRO just didn't make sense. Fast forward to today and the technology has become simpler and the options greater. coreplus is currently working on a revamped invoicing and claiming feature which will increase the number of financial Add-ons and the capability of the features integrated with coreplus. At this time we will revisit the TYRO feature offering that duplicates the existing direct coreplus integration with Medicare/DVA.Thanks again for feedback as it really does help shape our development roadmap.
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