Online portal option for only exising clients to rebook
Tiffany Rochester
I want my existing clients to be able to rebook into empty spots, but not new clients. I would like to provide some "new client" spots and some "existing client only" spots through the online booking portal.
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Matthew O'Carroll
Girish Bhat
under review
Girish Bhat
Hi Tiffany,
Thank you for the idea post, I see value in its implementation so I have updated the idea to "Under review" to gain more visibility with our user base and more users can vote on it.
In terms of implementing it, I was thinking of ways we can differentiate existing clients and new clients during booking, one possible solution is providing an option to the clients in the online booking portal which can be something like "Are you an existing patient of the clinic - Yes/No". This way practitioner schedule visibility can be customised based on what the clients answer.
Do let me know if this would resolve your query.
Kind regards
Tiffany Rochester
Girish Bhat: yes, I think that would work as a possible solution. Another option I had also wondered about was a data-match with either two points of data (client enters surname and DOB for example), or using their customer reference number (which of course means we'd need to let them know what that was). I'd certainly love to see this happen, so thanks for moving to under review.
Girish Bhat
Tiffany Rochester: Hi Tiffany, I explored the option of working with accessing client data to determine whether client is new or existing. It would work well but the main issue with that would be we would have to let the booking portal have access to Client details, which may pose a security issue. Currently for security reasons Online portal interacts through one way communication with main coreplus i.e Client details are sent from online portal to the Main coreplus and not vice versa. Having said that, I am exploring all the possible solutions for that and I will update the post as soon as I have any new updates.