Scan directly from scanner into Coreplus
under review
It would save a lot of double handling if we could scan directly from our scanner into Coreplus - so referrals from doctors, new patient forms
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Lachlan Cox
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Scanning Files straight into client file
Nicole Douglas
The ability to scan straight into a clients file instead of scanning into the computer than uploading would be so much more efficient
Lachlan Cox
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It would save time if we could upload multiple scanned files to a client's file instead of doing each one individually.
Keith Johnson
Unfortunately, under review can be a very open term regarding time frame. Coreplus needs to keep up with the market and if this feature is already available elsewhere then Coreplus needs to make it available as well.
Lachlan Cox
under review
Dee Brown
Great idea, we receive over 50 faxed referrals a day more than we get through secure messaging.
Matthew O'Carroll
Sam Van Der Wijngaart
I receive many referrals via email fax. I'd love to be able to forward these to coreplus to attach to a client file.
Steven Whittington
Hi Barbara,Thanks for your feedback regarding data storage.Data storage, specifically cloud data storage, has certainly advanced at an exponential rate in comparison to many other technological advances, inversely the cost of cloud storage is one of those anomalies in that it's decreasing almost as rapidly. However, the trade off for cheap cloud data storage is often either the physical devices are stored overseas, or perhaps the storage device is in Australia but the software that manages the device is on a server overseas. Both of these circumstances rule out using these solutions for health data which has a higher compliance burden than personal or other business data. Historically there has only been a few, rather costly, options for storing health data within Australia, recently we have noted increased options that are compliant with favourable cost benefits. Our development team have been conducting reviews of suitable solutions during last year including carrying out several proof of concept projects to identify the best option for Australian Allied health providers. Over the past few months we have been building an entirely new file management solution, incorporating many of the ideas submitted here as well as new features we're excited to share. You will see a staggered deployment of the new file solution from April continuing through to mid-late this year starting with Shared files, then Personal files and finally Client files. With the new file solution there will be significant increases in data storage limits applicable to the plan types, note storage limits only apply to Shared, Personal and Client files. A referral via Secure Messaging for example does not incur costs. Being able to scan directly into coreplus from a scanner is more of a hardware issue, in that the device used needs to know where to put the scanned document within coreplus. To do that the scanner would need to access the client files in coreplus, doing so would then mean that you have a device in your office that can look up clients, and file directories without having to log into coreplus. If the device were to just upload documents to one shared folder within coreplus then you would need to manually save the file to the client record it's sort of the same double handling issue, although a more secure. The new file solution we are implementing will include the ability to drag and drop multiple files into a folder within coreplus from a locally stored device. Whilst it's not direct scanning into coreplus it should decrease the admin somewhat. The biggest change however will come from referrer's ceasing to send client correspondence via email, fax or paper as Secure Message interoperability finally becomes a reality later this year. The Australian Digital Health Agency has a technical working group which includes Hospital, Specialist and GP software vendors as well as coreplus, being the only Allied Health specific software vendor included, are all working collaboratively on this since January 2017. As a result the R.A.C.G.P. has stated on behalf of it's members that once implemented they will strongly advocate that client information only be communicated via secure message.With regards to writing notes, could you clarify that you want to be able to hand write the note and view it later, as opposed to hand writing the note and having the hand writing converted to text on the fly? In the meantime on feature that might be handy to take notes on the fly with is the shortcut feature in clinical notes. Setting up shortcuts means that all of your team writing notes can insert preset text of any length by typing a shortcut. For example typing "#GP" into the clinical notes section will instantly convert to the word "General Practitioner", however the entire contents of this response could be saved as a shortcut and then inserted automatically using the shortcut "#1", how cool is that! I really appreciate your feedback and suggestions, it is being used to shape the roadmap for the future of coreplus, I only wish that we could do everything without having to choose a few at a time.
Barbara von der Borch
We would like to see progress in data storage options and upload of data, in keeping with other software competitors who offer such features. Being a multiple site practice it would be much more efficient to be a paperless practice. However the roadblocks preventing us from going paperless with Coreplus are:
Data storage costs (for pdf scanned session notes and referrals) are sky high compared to other cloud based storage providers.
Middleware is unavailable. Having this software would enable us to scan documents directly to Coreplus instead of saving to our hard drive and then uploading the documents manually.
Inability to write and save notes directly from a tablet. Psychologists discreetly write notes during sessions and it is not an option typing or dictating notes during session (and no time in between clients to do so) so these available features are not practical for us. Ideally our psychologists could write to a tablet and directly upload the notes to file via an app.
Laura OBrien
I agree - there are still many requirements for scanning and uploading documents other than referrals.
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