Space with Phone Numbers
Lara Strickland
I find the phone numbers for clients quite hard to read when needing to call. The font is quite small and there is no spacing. As far as I know a generic/automatic spacing would look something like this: 02 4945 2223 or for a mobile xxxx xxx xxx. This would be an enormous help if it wasn't too hard to implement.
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Jack Dunphy
This is also true on the Client Portal: top right, "Can't find the time you want? <contact phone number>". It's so hard to read!
Lachlan Cox
Merged in a post:
Easy read telephone n umbers
Simon Wright
Telephone numbers to be hyphenated to make it easier to read eg 0412 345 678
Lachlan Cox
Merged in a post:
Gaps in Mobile Number
Crystal Mather
Can spaces please be added into mobile number eg 1234 567 890 would be much easier to read and remember :)
Matthew O'Carroll
Rick Whelan
I agree. Having no spacing makes the layout look amateur.
Yes! I completely agree Lara. Other Practise management systems such as Cliniko have this and it is much more user friendly.